FAY Fabrication Laboratories
The Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design is committed to providing its students and faculty with state of the art fabrication facilities and equipment. The resources are integral to the teaching mission of the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design.
Located in the lower levels of Vol Walker Hall and an annex location on Government Avenue in Fayetteville, the Fabrication Laboratories are an open environment for all students and faculty in the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design. Material experimentation, prototyping and representing scale models are an essential part of the design culture at the Fay Jones School. The Fabrication Labs are flexible work spaces that support hands-on learning and research by offering a variety of equipment in four facilities: Wood Lab, 3D Print Lab, Laser and CNC Lab, and the Build Lab. The Fabrication Labs are under the direction of the Fay Jones School’s Dean’s Office and the Fabrication Laboratories manager, and the efforts are coordinated with the 21st Century Chair of Construction and Technology.
The Wood Lab facility is staffed by one full-time technician and several student assistants. Another full-time technician and student assistants staff the 3D Print, Laser and CNC Labs. The Build Lab facility on Government Avenue is organized by the fabrication laboratories manager. Together, the students and staff are present to give advice and assistance, monitor safety protocols and maintain all equipment.
These facilities are available to Fay Jones School students and faculty for design, coursework and research projects, which may be subject to approval.